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Category: Young people

‘How to Manage Your Digital Footprint’ Lesson Plan

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short video titled Live My Digital for Students: Digital Footprint and the theme of digital footprints. Students learn vocabulary related to digital footprints, talk about digital footprints, watch a short video, answer comprehension questions, analyse a short video, perform a roleplay, write about what they have learned […]

‘The Present’ Lesson Plan

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a moving short film titled The Present and the theme of teenagers. Students practice adjectives related to character and teenagers, watch the start of a short film, write a narrative and discuss the film.     Language level: Pre-intermediate (A2) –Intermediate (B1) Learner type: All ages Time: 90 […]

‘Teenage Problems’ Lesson Plan

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short film for a song titled Two Fingers and the theme of teenage problems. Students learn vocabulary related to teenage problems, talk about teenage problems, predict the content of a short film, watch a short film without sound and write down the story the film tells and […]

‘Stand Up’ Lesson Plan

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short film titled Stand Up and the themes of discrimination and taking a stand against discrimination. Students learn vocabulary related to discrimination, work on phrasal verbs that include ‘stand up’, talk about discrimination, watch a short film, answer comprehension questions, analyse a short film, and reflect on […]

‘A Visual Manifesto’ Lesson Plan

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short film titled A Visual Manifesto, and the themes of images and visual literacy. Students choose an image they like, describe an image to another students, watch a short film with the sound off, write a voiceover for the film, read a transcript, analyse a short film, […]

‘Inclusive Employment’ Lesson Plan

  This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short video titled The Hiring Chain and the themes of jobs and inclusive employment. Students learn vocabulary related to jobs, talk about tasks involved in specific jobs, talk about qualities required for specific jobs, watch a short video, identify the tasks involved in specific jobs shown […]

‘Look Up’ Lesson Plan

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short film and poem by Gary Turk and the theme of isolation caused by the use of new technology. Students discuss digital technology, predict the content of a short poem and short film, watch a short film with no sound and speculate about the story it tells, […]

‘Meditation Detention’ Lesson Plan

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short video titled Meditation Detention and the theme of meditation. Students learn vocabulary related to meditation, talk about meditation, predict the content of a short video, watch a short video, answer comprehension questions, analyse a short video, perform a roleplay and reflect on the lesson.     […]

‘Kindness. The Greatest Gift.’ Lesson Plan

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a Christmas advert titled ‘Kindness. The Greatest Gift.’ and the themes of anxiety and kindness. Students learn vocabulary related to anxiety, talk about anxiety, predict the content of a short film, watch a short film, answer comprehension questions, discuss a short film, perform a roleplay, talk about kindness […]