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Category: Health

‘How a Vegan Diet Affects Your Brain’ Lesson Plan

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short video titled How a Vegan Diet Affects Your Brain and the themes of veganism and how a vegan diet affects the brain. Students learn vocabulary related to nutrition, health and veganism, talk about veganism and how a vegan diet affects the brain, discuss quotations about veganism, […]

‘How to Get a New Habit to Stick’ Lesson Plan

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short video titled Five tips to get a new habit to stick and the themes of habits and forming habits. Students learn vocabulary related to habits and forming habits, talk about habits and forming habits, discuss quotations about habits, predict the content of a short video, watch […]

‘Exercise Myths’ Lesson Plan

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short video titled Harvard professor debunks the biggest exercise myths and the themes of exercise and myths about exercise. Students learn vocabulary related to exercise, talk about exercise, discuss pre-viewing questions, watch a short video, answer comprehension questions, discuss pre-viewing questions to analyse a short video, write […]

‘Habits that Make You Feel Incredible’ Lesson Plan

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short video titled Five habits that make you feel incredible and the themes of self-development and positive habits. Students learn vocabulary related to self-development and positive habits, talk about positive habits, predict the content of a short video, watch a short video, complete viewing notes, discuss comments […]

‘5 Ways to Optimise Your Diet’ Lesson Plan

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short video titled Five simple ways to optimise your diet and the theme of diet. Students learn vocabulary related to food and diet, talk about food and diet, predict the content of a short video, watch a short video, complete viewing notes, analyse a short video, perform […]

‘The Vegan Chef’ Lesson Plan

his ESL lesson plan is designed around a short video titled 11-Year-Old Chef Teaches Kids How to Be Vegan and the theme of veganism. Students learn vocabulary related to veganism, talk about veganism, predict the content of a short video, watch a short video, correct viewing sentences, analyse a short video, perform a roleplay and […]

‘Contagion’ Extensive Viewing Guide

A 64-page Extensive Viewing guide to the critically acclaimed film Contagion starring Matt Damon, Laurence Fishburne, Jude Law and Kate Winslet for English language students who want to learn English through watching films. The guide will help students improve their English vocabulary, listening comprehension, pronunciation and speaking. The viewing guide includes: • Viewing recommendations • […]

‘Kid Yoga Instructor’ Lesson Plan

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short video titled Kid Yoga Teacher and the theme of yoga. Students learn vocabulary related to yoga, talk about yoga, predict the content of a short video, watch a short video, answer comprehension questions, discuss a quotation, analyse a short video, and reflect on the lesson. Language […]

‘I Can Do That’ Lesson Plan

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short film titled I Can Do That and the theme of disadvantage. Students predict the content of a short film, listen to a short film and speculate about what is happening in the film, watch a short film, answer comprehension questions, analyse a short film, perform a […]