Important Notification about Film English
This is an important notification about Film English. In July I launched a new feature of the Film English website called Film English Club. In this post I’d like to explain exactly what Film English Club is and how it relates to the Lessons Plans on Film English. I would be most grateful if users of Film English would read this post carefully.
Film English Club is a new feature of Film English which has pedagogically sound and cutting-edge viewing guides for feature-length films for English language students who want to improve their vocabulary, listening comprehension, pronunciation and speaking through watching films. .
Each Viewing Guide includes:
• Viewing recommendations
• A film synopsis with a glossary to help students understand the story the film tells
• Pre-viewing discussion questions to help activate students’ background knowledge and schemata
• A glossary of between 100 and 200 key words, phrasal verbs and expressions used in the film, with hundreds of example sentences, to aid comprehension
• Post-viewing discussion questions to help students analyse the film and discuss issue represented in the film
• Post-viewing writing and videoing tasks.
You can download a free copy of the 34-page viewing guide to the Oscar-nominated film Catch Me If You Can starring Tom Hanks and Leonardo DiCaprio.
Film English Club is the largest resource bank of Viewing Guides and other pedagogical material for teaching with film and video on the Internet.
The Film English Club guides cost €6,99 each. You can buy individual Viewing Guides or become a member of Film English Club. Individual Membership and Institutional Membership of Film English Club allows unlimited access to all Film English Club Viewing Guides and what is the biggest resource bank of film and television viewing guides on the Internet.
As I am no longer teaching I make my living from the revenue I receive from Film English Club and the fees I receive for courses at my small teacher training institute The School for Training.
Upgrade to Film English ClubAlthough teachers have to pay for the Viewing Guides guides on Film English Club, the 150+ Lesson Plans designed around short films and videos on Film English remain free and teachers DO NOT have to pay for them. However, I would ask all teachers who have been using the Lesson Plans for free for many years to consider taking out Individual Membership of Film English Club. If a teacher cannot afford to take out Individual Membership, I would ask that they try to persuade their institution to take out Institutional Membership of Film English Club.
Both Individual Members and Institutional Members receive the following benefits:
– unlimited access to all Film English Club viewing guides and other pedagogical materials
– exclusive access to the Extensive Viewing methodology developed by Kieran Donaghy, renowned expert in the use of film and video in language education
– exclusive access to webinars and on-demand videos on the Extensive Viewing methodology and the use of film and video in language education.
– several new viewing guides every month
– 20% discount on all courses at The School for Training.
There are 150+ free Lesson Plans on Film English and each lesson plans takes about 12 hours to write, and obviously maintaining the free lessons on Film English is expensive for me. The revenue I receive from sales of Viewing Guides, Individual and Institutional Membership plans help to ensure that the lesson plans designed around short films and videos remain free.
Please watch this short video to find out more about Film English Club.
Please recommend the Film English Club Viewing Guides to your students – they really help students improve their listening comprehension, speaking, pronunciation and vocabulary acqusition!
I hope this post has been useful to you.
If you have any questions, please post them in the comments below and I’ll reply to them there.
Many thanks.
All the best,
One question: where can you find the films?
Hi Pilar,
Film English club gives access to the Viewing Guides but ¡not the films. Teachers and students have to access the films themselves on DVD, Netflix, HBO etc.
I hope this helps.
All the best,