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Film English Club

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5 Ways to Optimise Your Diet

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short video titled Five simple ways to optimise your diet and the theme of diet. Students learn vocabulary related to food and diet, talk about food and diet, predict the content of a short video, watch a short video, complete viewing notes, analyse a short video, perform a roleplay and reflect on the lesson.

7 Things You Can Do to Make a Relationship Work

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short video titled 7 Things You Can Do to Make a Relationship Work and the theme of romantic relationships. Students learn vocabulary related to personal qualities and romantic relationships, talk about romantic relationships, predict the content of a short video, watch a short video, answer comprehension questions, […]

7 Ways to Learn a New Language Effectively

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short video titled That’s How You Learn a New Language: 7 Effective Methods and the themes of learning a language and effective language learning methods. Students learn vocabulary related to learning a language and effective language learning methods, discuss quotations about learning a language, talk about learning a language and effective language learning methods, predict the content of a short video, watch a short video, complete viewing notes, analyse a short video, develop critical thinking skills by exploring issues raised in a short video, read an article, answer comprehension questions, discuss topics raised in an article, perform a roleplay, and reflect on the lesson.

97% Love Match

This ESL lesson is designed around a short film titled 97% Love Match and the themes of apps and dating. Students talk about the apps they commonly use, do a dictation, watch a short film and retell a story.

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

An 50-page Extensive Viewing guide to the Oscar-nominated film A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood starring Tom Hanks, Matthew Rhys and Susan Kelechi Watson for English language students who want to learn English through watching films. The guide will help students improve their English vocabulary, listening comprehension, pronunciation and speaking.

A Beautiful Mind

A 25-page Extensive Viewing guide to the Oscar-winning film A Beautiful Mind starring Russell Crowe, Ed Harris and Jennifer Connelly for English language students who want to learn English through watching films. The guide will help students improve their English vocabulary, listening comprehension, pronunciation and speaking.

A Christmas Love Story

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a Christmas short film and the themes of Christmas and Christmas love stories. Students talk about Christmas love stories, predict the content of a short film, watch a short film, predict the end of a short film, answer comprehension questions, analyse a short film, write from the perspective of a character in a short film and reflect on the lesson.

A Christmas to Remember

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a Christmas short film and the theme of Christmas and dementia. Students talk about Christmas and dementia, watch the first part of a short film, predict the end of a short film, answer comprehension questions, analyse a short film, write from the perspective of a character in a short film and reflect on the lesson.

A Kiss, Deferred

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short video titled A Kiss, Deferred. Students predict a story, watch a short film, answer comprehension questions, write a story, discuss a short film and reflect on the lesson.

A Letter from Fred

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short film titled A Letter from Fred and the theme of romantic relationships. Students watch a short film about a songwriting competition, predict the end of a short film, answer comprehension questions, discuss a short film, talk about romantic relationships and reflect on the lesson.

A Love Story

This ESL lesson is designed around a short film titled A Love Story and the theme of love. Students learn vocabulary related to love, talk about love, listen to a short film and speculate on what is happening, write a love story, watch a short film, analyse a short film and reflect on the lesson.

A New Perspective for Moms

This ESL lesson is designed around a short film and the theme of mothers and children. Students learn vocabulary to describe character, describe their personality, speak about mothers and children, watch a short film, discuss a short film, describe their mothers and reflect on the lesson.

A Short Love Story

This ESL lesson is designed around a beautiful animation titled A Short Love Story by Carlos Lascano and the theme of love. Students learn vocabulary related to love, talk about love, write a love story, watch a short film, answer comprehension questions, discuss a short film and reflect on the lesson.

A Single Life

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short film titled A Single Life and the theme of stages of life. In the lesson students practise vocabulary related to the stages of life, discuss stages of life, watch a short film, and speak and write about it.

A Small Escape

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short film titled A Small Escape and the themes of creativity and imagination. Students predict the story of a short film, watch a short film, write a story inspired by a short film, discuss a short film, come up with imaginative and creative uses of everyday objects and reflect on the lesson.

A Star is Born

A 30-page Extensive Viewing guide to the Oscar-nominated film A Star is Born starring Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper for English language students who want to learn English through watching films. The guide will help students improve their English vocabulary, listening comprehension, pronunciation and speaking.