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‘What teens are thankful for’ Lesson Plan

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short video titled What teens are thankful in which students talk about what they are grateful for, watch a video and write their own letters of gratitude.

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This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short video titled What teens are thankful for in which students talk about what they are grateful for, watch a video and write their own letters of gratitude.



Language level: Intermediate (B1) – Upper Intermediate (B2)

Learner type: Teens and adults

Time: 60 minutes

Activity: Watching a short video, speaking and writing

Topic: Gratitude

Language: Vocabulary related to gratitude



Watch the video.


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We hope you enjoy this ESL lesson.


Kieran and the Film English Team

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11 comments on “‘What teens are thankful for’ Lesson Plan

  1. Great lesson! I’m so grateful to you for posting this one!!!

    1. Hi Oksan,

      Thank you for commenting. I’m very happy you like the lesson.

      All the best,


  2. Hi Kieren
    Thank you for the lesson at a time (Corona) when being grateful is so relevant.
    I think it is just FANTASTIC that you have decided to have subtitles. It is really helpful; this will enable me to use this with a class that struggles with vids – which are very often too fast and complicated.

    I will use this with my “seniors class” and ask them if they have ever received gratitude from their children and ask what they would write to their children!
    Thank you

    1. Hi Dean,

      Thank you for commenting. I’m very happy you like subtitles.I hope your senior students enjoy the lesson.

      All the best,


  3. I’ve just read through that lesson plan and it looks amazing. Really complete. It covers so many areas and the video makes it more accessible for teens. Thank you!

    1. Hi Adrienne,

      Thank you for commenting. I’m very happy you like the lesson.

      All the best,


  4. R. Breiteriene says:

    Thanks a lot. I’m grateful for having an opportunity to read this.☺

    1. You’re very welcome. I hope you enjoy it!

  5. Incoming link: What teens are thankful for — Film English | dtdthapa

  6. Incoming link: Other English sites | Pearltrees

  7. Thanks for uploading again! I love your page

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