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Self Questions

These 90 questions help English language students activate their background knowledge, make predictions and a personal empathic response to a film text.

Setting Questions

These 30 generic questions help English language students to analyse and talk about settings in film texts.

Short Film Viewing Guide

This viewing guide can be used with any short film to help students become more active and critical viewers of media through reflection on and discussion of a carefully selected series  pre-viewing, viewing and post-viewing questions.

Sound Questions

These 50 generic questions help English language students analyse and talk about the role sound plays in film texts.

Story Questions

These 50 generic questions help English language students to analyse and talk about the stories in film texts.

The 5Ss and 5Cs Framework

The 5Ss (Story, Setting, Sound, Social Issues, Self) and 5Cs (Character, Camera, Colour, Composition, Culture and Language) provide an effective framework in language education for analysis, scaffolding pre-viewing and post-viewing discussion and focusing attention on the different modes used in film. The 13-page framework provides generic discussion questions for each of the 10 categories to help English language students analyse and talk about films more effectively.

Trailer activity sheet

This activity sheet can be used with any trailer to help students analyse and interpret a short visual text, and  to become more active and critical viewers of media rather than just passive consumers of media through reflection on and discussion of a carefully selected series  of viewing questions.

Video ads activity sheet

This activity sheet can be used with any video ad to help students become more active and critical viewers of media rather than just passive consumers of media through reflection on and discussion of a carefully selected series  of viewing questions.