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Category: Mindfulness

‘How to Keep Calm Under Pressure’ Lesson Plan

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short video titled How to keep calm under pressure | 3 quick tips and the theme of keeping calm. Students learn vocabulary related to keeping calm, talk about keeping calm, predict the content of a short video, watch a short video, answer comprehension questions, analyse a short […]

‘I forgot my phone’ Lesson Plan

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a beautiful short film by titled I lost my phone and the theme of mobile phones. Students listen to a film and speculate about what is happening, watch the film to check their answers and talk about mobile phone use.     Language level: Intermediate (B1) – Upper […]

‘Are you a good listener?’ Lesson Plan

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short video titled 4 things all great listeners know and the theme of good listening. Students talk about being a good listener, predict the content of a short video, watch a short video, answer comprehension questions, analyse a short video, perform a roleplay and reflect on the […]

‘The Science of Gratitude’ Lesson Plan

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short video titled The Science of Gratitude and the theme of gratitude. Students write sentences about what they are grateful for, talk about what they are grateful for, watch a short video, answer comprehension questions, analyse a short video, write a letter of gratitude and reflect on […]