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My New Teacher Training Institute

I’m delighted to announce that La Escuela de Formación is my new, small, specialist teacher development institute in Barcelona, providing innovative courses of the highest quality for teachers from all over the world.

La Escuela de Formación ofrece a los profesores la capacitación necesaria para satisfacer las necesidades de sus alumnos y promover un cambio positivo en el aula y fuera de ella. Los profesores aprenden a pensar de forma profunda, crítica y creativa sobre la enseñanza y el aprendizaje. Las clases son variadas, prácticas y prácticas, pero con referencia a la teoría pertinente. Con esta sólida formación teórica y práctica, los profesores están mejor preparados para atender a sus alumnos con inteligencia y compasión.

When you study on a School for Training course you can be assured of:

  • Teaching of the highest quality by a team of experienced trainers, experts in their chosen fields of ELT
  • Classes which are sensitive to your individual needs
  • Classes which are varied, practical and hands-on, but with reference to relevant theory
  • Classes with a maximum of 8 trainees
  • A chance to meet, talk to and share experiences with participants from other countries
  • A personal approach from the time of your first contact until your course has finished.

Please check out the school’s sitio web and consider training with me in Barcelona.

1 comenta sobre "My New Teacher Training Institute"

  1. The best news I’ve received so far this summer! You’re definitely a go-getter, ambitious and creative educator. Looking forward to receiving information about those courses!

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