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It’s been a long time coming …

After a number of years of writing, training and speaking at conferences, I’ve decided the time is right to have an sitio web del autor – a central place to showcase my work – my books, films, projects, talks and training sessions. So my new website is the place to find out more about me and my work.


I’ll also be using the  site as the place where I blog. 

As part of the launch of the website I’m organising a prize draw for my new book Cine en acción. Everybody who subscribes to the website in  March will be entered into the draw.

Please check out the website and let me know waht you think of it.

Le deseo lo mejor,


20 comenta sobre "It’s been a long time coming …"

  1. I really like the look. It’s colorful and fun and quirky, too. Enjoy the new adventure!

    1. Hi Patrizia,
      Thanks very much for commenting and for the kind words about the new site.
      Le deseo lo mejor,

  2. Congrats! I enjoy your lessons, and wish you the best on your extended project!

    1. Hi Janine,
      Thanks very much for commenting and for the kind words.
      Le deseo lo mejor,

  3. Salazar, Ana Maria dice:


    I’ve been using Film English for my classes for a long time, and it works great!!
    Thanks so much!
    I’ve donated a little bit, I know it’s not enough, but I’m very grateful to you.
    Hope the site continues helping thousands of teachers!

    1. Hi Ana Maria,
      Thanks very much for commenting, for the kind words and your generosity in donating to the site. It’s great to know you get so much from the lessons.
      Le deseo lo mejor,

  4. Rodica Marian dice:

    Dear author,

    The films posted have been of a real use both for me and my students: you helped me save much of my time and develop my students’ creativity at the same time. Every time I open my e-mail, I look forward finding new films,to match them with our national Curriculum (what is appreciable they, almost all, match) and make my lessons more captivating and interesting.
    So, I am really pleased and encourage you to continue, because you are doing a good job, being of a great help for those who teach or learn English.
    Best wishes, together with inspiration and creativity to continue your work.

    1. Hi Rodica,
      Thanks very much for commenting and for the kind words. It’s great to know you get so much from the lessons.
      Le deseo lo mejor,

  5. Hi,

    I recently found your site and I´m amazed with all the material that is in your site and begun to try the lessons with a group of ESL students in a non-profit organization. Our group is thankful for all your effort and dedication. I do have some questions, will you keep supporting this site? or it is going to dissappear? I´m affraid I will lost most of it since I started to visit your blog just a few weeks ago.

    Kindest regards,

    1. Hi Augusto,
      Thanks so much for the kind words and support. The website is not going to disappear.
      Le deseo lo mejor,

  6. Hi. My name is Andy. I’ve just heard about this lesson. I really want to study English like this. Could you help me to study English? Now, I’m connecting from Mongolia which is one of the Asian country.

    1. Hi Andy,
      Thanks for commenting. I can’t help you study English. Why not check out the British Council Learn English website?
      Here’s a link: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/
      Le deseo lo mejor,

  7. Key Kieran! Just wanted to say how grateful I am to you sharing these cool lesson plans. My students love it when I use videos in class and the best part is that they learn useful English at the same time!

    So yeah, best of luck with this new webpage, and everything else!

    1. Hi Jona
      Thanks very much for commenting and the kind words. I’m very happy you and your students enjoy the lessons.
      Le deseo lo mejor,

  8. Your films and lessons help me much in preparing the lessons. My studens can use English and the films make them think about different problems. Thank you!

    1. Hi Larisa,
      Thanks very much for commenting. I’m very happy you and your students enjoy the lessons.
      Le deseo lo mejor,

  9. Nguyen Thi Phuong lan dice:

    Thank you very much for your films as well as your lesson plans. I have been looking for films for my teen students for so long, but in vain, today I feel very happy and so lucky to be able to watch your web…It is very helful. The films are really meaningful and educational….They help me to find new inspiration in my teaching job. I hope to see your new films. Best wishes to you.

    1. Hi Nguyen,
      Thanks very much for the kind words which I really appreciate.
      Le deseo lo mejor,

  10. Hi, Kieran!I’m really grateful for your amazing website!It’s been a great help to my students!I’m wondering whether we can purchase your e-version of the book “Film in Action: Teaching language using moving images (Delta Teacher Development Series)”?
    Saludos cordiales.

    1. Hi Kate,
      Thanks very much for the kind comments which I really appreciate.Unfortunately, there isn’t an ebook version.
      Le deseo lo mejor,

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