‘Success’ Lesson Plan
Esta lección de ESL está diseñada en torno a un breve vídeo titulado Éxito, and the theme of the nature of success. Students talk about the nature of success, watch a short film and reflect on their own successes.
Nivel de idiomas: Intermedio (B1) - Intermedio superior (B2)
Tipo de alumno: Adolescentes y adultos
Tiempo: 90 minutos
Actividad: Talking about success, watching a short film, and reading
Tema: Success
Idioma: Vocabulary related to success
Consulte el plan de clases
Esta lección de ESL está diseñada en torno a un breve vídeo titulado Éxito, and the theme of the nature of success. Students talk about the nature of success, watch a short film and reflect on their own successes.
Nivel de idiomas: Intermedio (B1) - Intermedio superior (B2)
Tipo de alumno: Adolescentes y adultos
Tiempo: 90 minutos
Actividad: Talking about success, watching a short film, and reading
Tema: Success
Idioma: Vocabulary related to success
Vea el vídeo.
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Love the animation (and the lesson plan 😉 but I’m not so keen on the voiceover.
I reckon some of my learners will disagree that some of those things are “success” (though disagreement is obviously a good thing for class).
Nice topic for them to write about — or record themselves talking about!
Hi Tom,
Thanks for commenting. I’m very happy you like the video and the lesson plan. Yes, disagreement is a good thing for classroom discussion.
Super TED talk there!
Yes, great TED talk! Alain De Botton is a very smart guy.
Absolutely great! Loved it
Hi Liliane,
Thank you for commenting. Great to know you enjoyed the lesson!
All the best,
Incoming link: RESOURCES FOR ELT | Pearltrees
Great lesson plan again Kieran,
Just wondering if there was a transcript or that was just a typo.
Thanks again
Hi Barry,
Thanks for commenting and the kind words. Unfortunately, there’s no transcript.
Incoming link: Lesson Plans | Lucky Cat English
Incoming link: If you haven’t used Film English yet, try it! – lizkennyblog
Hi there,
liking it a lot and planning to use it in class on Monday.
Currently, I am working on the transcript, yet I don’t understand the word after “People who try …. are also big success stories” (around 1:00). Who can help me, please! Thanks A TON!
All the best,
Hi Ann-Kirstin,
Thanks a lot for commenting. The narrator says “People who triumph here are
also big success stories.” You can download the transcript at the top of the lesson. I hope your students enjoy the film and the lesson.
All the best,
Hi Kieran,
thank you so much! Right after writing the comment I noticed the transcript. Maybe I need new glasses, haha! 😀
All the best,
Hi Ann-Kristin,
No problem whatsoever; I’m glad you found it!
Take care,