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Category: Compassion

‘The Beginner’ Lesson Plan

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short film titled The Beginner and the themes of being a beginner and children in care. Students talk about being a beginner, predict the content of a short film, watch a short film, answer comprehension questions, predict the end of short film, analyse a short film, write […]

‘Stand Up’ Lesson Plan

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short film titled Stand Up and the themes of discrimination and taking a stand against discrimination. Students learn vocabulary related to discrimination, work on phrasal verbs that include ‘stand up’, talk about discrimination, watch a short film, answer comprehension questions, analyse a short film, and reflect on […]

‘Homes for Homeless’ Lesson Plan

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short video titled Tiny Homes for the Homeless and the theme of homelessness. Students learn vocabulary related to homelessness, talk about homelessness, predict the content of a short video, watch a short video, answer comprehension questions, analyse a short video, perform a roleplay and reflect on the […]

‘Racism’ Lesson Plan

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short film titled Strangers and the theme of racism. Students predict the content of a short film, watch a short film, answer comprehension questions, write a narrative, analyse a short film, talk about racism and reflect on the lesson. Language level: Pre-intermediate (A2) –Intermediate (B1) Learner type: […]

‘Bullying’ Lesson Plan

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short poem and video titled To This Day and the theme of bullying. Students learn vocabulary related to bullying, talk about bullying, watch a short video about an anti-bullying project, answer comprehension questions, write a poem or narrative inspired by images in a video, watch a short […]

‘Invictus’ Extensive Viewing Guide

A 70-page Extensive Viewing guide to the Oscar-nominated film Invictus starring Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon for English language students who want to learn English through watching films. The guide will help students improve their English vocabulary, listening comprehension, pronunciation and speaking. The viewing guide includes: • Viewing recommendations • A film synopsis with a […]

‘A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood’ Extensive Viewing Guide

An 50-page Extensive Viewing guide to the Oscar-nominated film A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood starring Tom Hanks, Matthew Rhys and Susan Kelechi Watson for English language students who want to learn English through watching films. The guide will help students improve their English vocabulary, listening comprehension, pronunciation and speaking. The viewing guide includes: • […]

‘The Human Library’ Lesson Plan

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short film and the themes of books, libraries and human libraries. Students learn vocabulary related to books, talk about books and libraries, predict the content of a short film, watch a short film, answer comprehension questions, analyse a short film, and reflect on the lesson. Language level: […]

‘Bunny New Girl’ Lesson Plan

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short film titled Bunny New Girl and the theme of schooldays. Students talk about schooldays, listen to a short film and imagine what is happening in the film, predict the content of a short film, watch a short film, answer comprehension questions, analyse a short film, write […]