Institutional Membership

€190,00 / year
Institutional Membership of Film English Club allows all teachers of an institution unlimited access to all Film English Club short film lesson plans, feature-length film Extensive Viewing guides and other teaching resources.
Members of Film English Club also get:
– two new lesson plans every week
– a new Extensive Viewing guide every week
– exclusive access to the Extensive Viewing methodology developed by Kieran Donaghy, renowned expert in the use of film and video in language education.
– exclusive access to webinars and on-demand videos by Kieran Donaghy on the use of film and video in language education.
– 10% discount on all courses at The School for Training.
If you prefer to pay for Institutional Membership by bank transfer rather than by credit card or PayPal, please send us a message at admin@theschoolfortraining.com and will will send you our bank account details.