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Categoría: Discapacidad

Plan de clase "El niño que inventó el Braille

Este plan de clases de ESL está diseñado en torno a un vídeo corto titulado La increíble historia del niño que inventó el Braille y los temas del Braille y la discapacidad visual. Los alumnos aprenden vocabulario relacionado con la discapacidad visual, hablan sobre la discapacidad visual, predicen el contenido de un vídeo corto, ven un vídeo corto, responden a preguntas de comprensión, analizan un [...]

Plan de clase "Dentro de mi mente autista

Este plan de clase de ESL está diseñado en torno a un vídeo corto titulado Inside My Autistic Mind (Dentro de mi mente autista) y el tema del autismo. Los alumnos aprenden vocabulario relacionado con el autismo, hablan sobre el autismo, predicen el contenido de un vídeo corto, ven un vídeo corto, responden a preguntas de comprensión, analizan un vídeo corto, escriben desde la perspectiva de una persona autista [...].

Plan de clase "Niños superhéroes

Este plan de clase de ESL está diseñado en torno a un vídeo corto titulado Superhero Kids y los temas de los superhéroes y los niños con necesidades especiales. Los alumnos aprenden vocabulario relacionado con los superhéroes y la educación inclusiva, hablan sobre los superhéroes y la educación inclusiva, predicen el contenido de un vídeo corto, ven un vídeo corto, responden a preguntas de comprensión, analizan un vídeo corto, [...].

‘The Blind Braille Artist’ Lesson Plan

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short video titled Blind Braille Artist Clarke and the theme of art and artists. Students learn vocabulary related to art and artists, talk about art and artists, predict the content of a short video, watch a short video, answer comprehension questions, analyse a short video, perform a […]

‘Inclusive Café’ Lesson Plan

This ESL lesson plan is designed around two videos about an inclusive café and the themes of cafés, disability and inclusion. Students learn vocabulary related to disability and inclusion, talk about cafés, predict the content of two short video, watch two short videos, answer comprehension questions, analyse two short videos, and reflect on the lesson. […]

‘Multimillionaire at 19’ Lesson Plan

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short video titled Multimillionaire at 19 and the themes of multimillionaires and stereotypes. Students learn vocabulary related to multimillionaires and business, talk about multimillionaires and stereotypes, predict the content of a short video, watch a short video, complete viewing notes, analyse a short video, perform a roleplay […]

‘Understanding Visual Impairment’ Lesson Plan

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short film titled Accepting My Blindness and the themes of blindness and visual impairment. Students learn vocabulary related to blindness and visual impairment, talk about blindness and visual impairment, write a narrative, watch a short film, answer comprehension questions, analyse a short film, watch a second short […]

Amplia guía de visionado de "Sound of Metal

A 46-page Extensive Viewing guide to the Oscar-winning film Sound of Metal starring Riz Ahmed, Olivia Cooke and Paul Raci for English language students who want to learn English through watching films. The guide will help students improve their English vocabulary, listening comprehension, pronunciation and speaking. The viewing guide includes: • Viewing recommendations • A […]

‘The Most Beautiful Thing’ Lesson Plan

  This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short film titled The Most Beautiful Thing and the theme of proms. Students talk about proms, predict the content of different parts of a short film, write stories, watch a short film, answer comprehension questions, analyse a short film, and reflect on the lesson.     […]