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‘The Joy of Books’ Lesson Plan

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a short video titled The Joy of Books and the themes of books and reading. Students learn vocabulary related to books, talk about books and reading, predict the content of a short video, watch a short video, discuss a short video, read a review of a short video, […]

Download a Free Copy of My Latest Book: The Image in English Language Teaching

I am delighted to announce the publication of my latest book ‘The Image in English Language Teaching’. The book is available by open access thanks to the support of the ELT Council. You can download a free copy from the Visual Arts Circle website. “The Image in English Language Teaching” is a groundbreaking book that […]

Buy Kieran’s New Book Film in Action

We’re delighted to announce that Kieran’s new book Film in Action has been published and is now available to buy at book stores or on Amazon UK or Amazon USA. It’s a great honour for Kieran to join all the wonderful authors in the DELTA Teacher Development Series and we hope that Film in Action will fit seamlessly […]

My New How To Write Film Activities Book

I’m delighted that my new ebook How to Write Film and Video Activities co-authored with Anna Whitcher has been released by ELT Teacher2Writer. In this innovative and ground-breaking book Anna and I provide essential guidance on how to choose exploitable film and video for the purposes of writing film and video activities for the ELT classroom. […]

‘The Reader’ Lesson Plan

This ESL lesson plan is designed around a moving short film titled The Reader and the theme of literacy. In the lesson students write a narrative, watch a short film and discuss literacy strategies.     Language level: Intermediate (B1) – Upper Intermediate (B2) Learner type: All ages Time: 90 minutes Activity: Writing a short […]