‘Working From Home’ Lesson Plan
Esta lección de ESL está diseñada en torno a un breve vídeo titulado Working from Home: 10 Tips to Stay Motivated and Productive and the theme of working from home. Students learn vocabulary related to working from home, talk about the advantages and disadvantages of working from home, predict the content of a short video, watch a short video, complete viewing notes, talk about tips for working from home, analyse a short video, perform a roleplay and reflect on the lesson.
Consulte el plan de clasesEsta lección de ESL está diseñada en torno a un breve vídeo titulado Working from Home: 10 Tips to Stay Motivated and Productive and the theme of working from home. Students learn vocabulary related to working from home, talk about the advantages and disadvantages of working from home, predict the content of a short video, watch a short video, complete viewing notes, talk about tips for working from home, analyse a short video, perform a roleplay and reflect on the lesson.
Nivel de idiomas: pre-intermediate (A2) –Intermediate (B1)
Tipo de alumno: Adolescentes y adultos
Tiempo: 90 minutos
Actividad: Learning vocabulary related to working from home, talking about the advantages and disadvantages of working from home, predicting the content of a short video, watching a short video, completing viewing notes, talking about tips for working from home, analysing a short video, performing a roleplay and reflecting on the lesson
Tema: Working from home
Idioma: Vocabulary related to working from home
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