‘New Boy’ Lesson Plan
Esta lección de ESL está diseñada en torno a un cortometraje titulado New Boy and the theme of bullying. Students learn vocabulary related to bullying, talk about bullying, predict the content of a short film, watch a short film, answer comprehension questions, analyse a short film, perform a roleplay and reflect on the lesson.
Consulte el plan de clasesEsta lección de ESL está diseñada en torno a un cortometraje titulado New Boy and the theme of bullying. Students learn vocabulary related to bullying, talk about bullying, predict the content of a short film, watch a short film, answer comprehension questions, analyse a short film, perform a roleplay and reflect on the lesson.
Nivel de idiomas: Intermedio (B1) - Intermedio superior (B2)
Tipo de alumno: Adolescentes y adultos
Tiempo: 90 minutos
Actividad: Learning vocabulary related to bullying, talking about bullying, predicting the content of a short film, watching a short film, answering comprehension questions, analysing a short film, performing a roleplay and reflecting on the lesson
Tema: Bullying
Idioma: Vocabulary related to bullying and narrative tenses
Vea el cortometraje.
Consulte el plan de clases
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Kieran y el equipo de Film English